Duplicity was written by Ben Escoto. It is now being maintained by Kenneth Loafman. I welcome mail, but any discussion should be contained in the mailing list.
It contains some code packages written by other authors: by Lars Gustabel - Python module for reading/writing tar files.
Thanks to:
The GitLab, for hosting the duplicity project.
The Free Software Foundation, for hosting duplicity mailing lists and web site., a Cloud Storage provider with explicit support for duplicity, for several monetary donations and for providing a special "duplicity friends" rate for their offsite backup service. Email for details.
Mikael Moshir for sending his interesting paper on encrypted backup with the rsync algorithm. Duplicity didn't end up using his scheme, not because it wasn't very good, but so volumes could remain processable with, for instance, rdiff.
Peter Ehrenberg for many helpful comments/bug reports.